SOLD - Verkocht
MACO halfautomatische cirkelzaagmachine
Model : KS 425 H
Max. saw blade : Ø 425 mm
Mead motor : 1,3 – 2,6 kW
Head motor revolutions : 700 – 1400 Rpm
Cutting speeds : 13-26 / 18-36 / 52-104 / 74-148 / 104-210 m/min
Cutting capacity 90° : Ø 140 mm / 125 mm / IPN-UPN 220 – 240 mm
Cutting capacity 45° : Ø 140 mm / 120 mm / IPN-UPN 180 – 180 mm
Cutting table height : 1000 mm
Hydraulik unit motor power : 1 HP
Coolant liquid motor power : 0,08 HP
Working pressure : 40 bar
Vertical clamping force : 1855 kg
Horizontal clamping force : 604 kg
Vertical vice clamping stroke : 6 mm
Horizontal vice clamping stroke : 6 mm
Counter-vice dispacement : 150 mm
Dimensions : 1040 x 1180 x 1700 mm
Weight : 850 kg
Semi-automatic blade sawing machine, fully hydraulic-operated, with upstroke blade for angled cuts trom ±90'.
Semi-automatic cycle: closing of the horizonal vices, of the vertical vice, motor start, blade upstroke, blade stop, head descent, opening of the vices.
Manual cycle: the stopping of the blade upstroke is given by pressing the stop push button
- Head stroke adjustment through a knob on the panel, and self-adjusting system
- Adjustment on the panel for the vice closing pressure
- Horizontal and vertical vices with long stroke for the adjustment of the workpiece dimension and with self-adjusting short stroke when operating during the cycle
- Adjustable position of the countervice-bridge and of the vertical vice by means of a handwheel
- Adjustable bar stops at 0° and ±45° and at 90° to easily position the table
- Single cut selector, with elimination of the return stroke of the vices during their adjustment
- Selector for the manual-semi automatic cycle
- Electronic blade overload with setting of the static tripping limit
- Primary drive with possibility of changing gears in order to obtain 10 speeds
- Spiral head gears, hardened and ground, with adjustable slack
- Low voltage wiring installation (24V), emergency device, thermal motor overload relay, door protection micro and protection guard for the operator
- Dual blade lubricating pump
- Pressure discharging solenoid valve.
Prijs voor de zaagmachine MACO, model KS 425 H : ……..op aanvraag via e-mail
Levertijd: uit voorraad , t.t.v.v.
Levering: af Baarle-Nassau
Betaling: voor afhaling
Prijzen: gelden netto, exkl. B.T.W.
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Machinehandel De Leeuw BV
Oordeelsestraat 7 – b , NL-5111 PA
Baarle-Nassau / The Netherlands
Tel: +31 (0) 13 507 7466
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